SaskTel Internet Speed Test

Test your SaskTel internet speed to see if you’re getting what your plan should deliver.

Internet Speed Test

Is your internet fast enough? Test internet speeds at your location with a single click.

WhistleOut's most popular SaskTel internet plans

Popular Internet Plans

  • Fibre Connection
  • Speed 80 Mbps
  • $42.97/mo
  • Fibre Connection
  • Speed 150 Mbps
  • $129.92/mo
  • Fibre Connection
  • Speed 300 Mbps
  • $54.97/mo
  • Fibre Connection
  • Speed 40 Mbps
  • $74.95/mo
  • Fibre Connection
  • Speed 940 Mbps
  • $74.97/mo

How Can I Check My SaskTel Internet Speed?

SaskTel internet customers can test their internet speed by tapping the “Start Speed Test” button on our exclusive app found above. The test confirms your download speeds under current conditions. Then, you can read our findings in clear language and evaluate the results. Tap the “Show More Info” button, which runs further tests to deliver latency and upload performance results.

How Accurate Is this SaskTel Internet Speed Test?

Your results should be accurate to within 10% of your plan’s maximum speed. The WhistleOut internet speed test connects to the closest server to maximize accuracy. If your results fall short of expectations, try connecting your computer directly to your modem with an ethernet cable instead of a Wi-Fi connection and disabling any other programs or devices accessing the internet.

Why Is My SaskTel Internet so Slow?

WhistleOut recommends optimizing your network if you’re experiencing slow internet speeds. Before upgrading to a faster plan, follow these steps to improve your home internet performance: 

  • Restarting your modem and router
  • Connecting your computer using an ethernet cable
  • Adding a Wi-Fi extender to your network to improve reception
  • Rebooting computers, smartphones, and other internet devices
  • Ensuring that you have no background apps using the internet

If you’re still not getting the expected performance from your home internet service, contact the SaskTel technical support team 24/7 at 1-800-SASKTEL (1-800-727-5835). If it’s been a few years since you first subscribed to SaskTel internet, ask if there’s an infiNET plan that better suits your needs. 

What’s the Difference between SaskTel infiNET and interNET?

SaskTel offers home internet over traditional telephone lines, but infiNET plans use modern fibre optic networks to deliver download speeds up to 1Gbps (1,000Mbps). These plans offer SaskTel’s best performance and value. Even though it’s Saskatchewan's largest telecommunications company, some neighborhoods still rely on older DSL technology for internet access. Customers in these markets can still subscribe to SaskTel interNET plans with download speeds up to 50Mbps. 

All SaskTel infiNET and interNET plans include unlimited data, a Wi-Fi-enabled modem/router, and basic installation. SaskTel DSL interNET plans may look cheaper upfront, but fibre optic infiNET plans are a better value since they cost only a little more per month yet feature download speeds 3x–20x faster.

What’s the Best Internet for Rural Saskatchewan?

There are two options for rural internet from SaskTel—fusion Internet and Mobile Internet. SaskTel fusion Internet delivers internet connectivity to homes with line-of-sight access via wireless broadcasts from towers across the province. Since the wireless signals exclusively provide home internet service, the connection is more reliable than cell phones and includes higher data limits. 

SaskTel’s Mobile Internet solution uses its widespread 4G LTE network* to connect your home through a 4G-enabled modem. The initial monthly price is lower, but at $25 per 20GB—after the first 5GB—this option quickly becomes expensive if you use a lot of data. 

* SaskTel currently only offers 5G service to its mobile customers on Total or VIP cell phone plans.

What Is the Best SaskTel infiNET Plan?

The best SaskTel home internet plan is infiNET 1 Gig which includes unlimited data downloads at up to 940Mbps and upload speeds of 500Mbps. The advertised price on any SaskTel home internet plan is very low, but we encourage you to read the fine print (like our experts love to do). You’ll see that the price doubles after just three months. While you can save around $10 each month by signing a two-year contract, we recommend infiNET 150 as the best way to balance bandwidth and price. 

However, if you’re a resident of rural Saskatchewan, your best option is SaskTel fusion Internet. The plans are expensive, and download speeds are slow (10Mbps or less), but your connection is reliable and includes high or unlimited data caps.

Why Is My SaskTel Wi-Fi So Slow?

SaskTel delivers high-speed internet to your house, but what happens inside your home is up to you. Make it easier on yourself by adding Optimum In-home Wi-Fi for an additional $10 per month. A SaskTel professional installer comes to your home, sets up your Wi-Fi gateway, and installs a Wi-Fi extender for comprehensive coverage. You can rent additional Wi-Fi extenders for $5 each per month to cover large properties. Subscribe to an infiNET or interNET home internet plan on a two-year contract, and SaskTel throws in the first year of Optimum Wi-Fi service for free. 

How Many in Your Household?

1 Person?
Look for at least 60Mbps
  • Basic web browsing
  • Music streaming
  • Social media

2-4 People?
Look for at least 150Mbps
  • SD streaming video
  • Gaming
  • Multiple users

4+ People?
Look for at least 300Mbps
  • HD streaming video
  • Multi-player gaming
  • Working from home

How Fast Is SaskTel infiNET?

You can tell how fast a SaskTel home internet connection should be from the plan’s name. The maximum download speed for a SaskTel infiNET 300 plan is 300Mbps, while the infiNET 1 Gig plan maxes out at 1Gbps. The upload speed on any infiNET plan is half the download speed. 

SaskTel interNET DSL plans reach download speeds of up to 50Mbps and upload speeds of 10Mbps. For rural customers, SaskTel fusion Internet download speeds are 5Mbps or 10Mbps, depending on the plan. 

Where Is SaskTel Internet Available?

As a provincial Crown corporation, SaskTel is owned by—and serves—residents of Saskatchewan. Most cities, towns, and settlements have wired internet service in the form of infiNET fibre optic or interNET DSL. Rural residents may have access to SaskTel fusion Internet service utilizing line-of-sight wireless communications. 

In addition to all those options, SaskTel also operates the largest cellular network in Saskatchewan: SaskTel Wireless. This network offers internet that reaches nearly everywhere south of Prince Albert. Using a home Wi-Fi modem that connects to SaskTel’s comprehensive 4G LTE network, nearly any home in Saskatchewan can connect to the internet. Cell phone users can also take advantage of SaskTel’s new 5G service available in Regina and Saskatoon.

What Other Internet Providers Are in Saskatchewan?

The other major telecommunications company in Saskatchewan is Shaw. Originally a cable TV provider, Shaw now offers home internet with download speeds up to 1.5Gbps.

However, that’s not the end of your options for internet providers. Rural wireless and satellite options from local companies like Xplornet may be expensive but also cover much of Saskatchewan with reliable internet access. Additionally, independent companies—like VMedia—operate their own networks and use Shaw or SaskTel hardware to connect with your home. Type your address into our Internet Plans Search Tool and we’ll find more options for high-speed home internet that are available for your home. 

Is There a SaskTel Internet Outage?

The fastest way to tell if there’s a major internet outage on SaskTel is to check the official @SaskTelSupport Twitter feed with the hashtag #skoutage. Any major outages get reported quickly, no matter the time or day. You can also reach the technical support team this way, but you’ll only get a response during office hours, and it doesn’t appear they respond very fast. We recommend getting on the phone and calling them at 1-800-SASKTEL (1-800-727-5835) if you have any urgent issues. 

Can I Bundle and Save on SaskTel Services?

SaskTel offers several services that you can bundle on one account to save money. Home internet, TV, home phone, cell phone, and smartHOME security and automation are all available for bundling onto one bill. 

Some of SaskTel’s best cell phone deals can only be unlocked when you’re a home subscriber. Bundle maxTV or maxTV Stream with a high-speed internet plan and get VIP 20 for a discounted rate. This plan includes 20GB of 4G LTE and 5G data, and 2GB of data when you travel to the United States. It also has free long-distance calling throughout Canada and to the U.S. After using up your full-speed data in Canada, you can continue downloading at 2Mbps with no data limit; that’s Canada’s fastest unlimited data speeds, and it’s only available with SaskTel.

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  • SaskTel
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