Last updated

Best Overall
Diallog logo
4.5 out of 5 overall

  • $42.50 for first three months
  • 5G wireless modem
Altima logo
4 out of 5 overall

  • /month
  • No term contract
Best Incentive
DistribuTel logo
4 out of 5 overall

  • $69.95/month
  • Free installation and $30 bill credit

As the holidays approach, so do the best deals on home internet service. Our top holiday deal belongs to Diallog, which is offering 1000Mbps download speeds and a 5G wireless modem for $42.50 per month for the first three months.

Looking for something simpler? Altima is offering fibre speeds up to  for  per month, which is an ideal plan for more casual internet users.

We’ve also found great deals from other service providers, like TekSavvy, DistribuTel, Eastlink, and Shaw, along with the best bundles, streaming options, and whole-home Wi-Fi from Bell, Rogers, Telus, and Cogeco.

Read on to find the best holiday sales on home internet in Canada for 2022.

Best holiday sales on home internet in Canada 2022
Provider Price Download speed Shop this plan
Diallog $42.50/month 1000Mbps Go to plan
Altima /month Go to plan
TekSavvy $50.95/month 60Mbps Go to plan
DistribuTel $69.95/month 1000Mbps Go to plan
Rogers $110/month 500Mbps Go to plan
Eastlink $75/month 350Mbps Go to plan
Shaw Mobile /month Go to plan
What’s happening: Christmas and Boxing Day 2022 📅

WhistleOut Canada keeps an eye on trends in the wireless industry, especially hot deals on new phones and plans. Here's what's going on this month:

Best Holiday Deals
on Home Internet

Diallog | Gigabit | $42.50 for first three months – Best holiday deal on home internet

Diallog’s deal offers lightning-fast 5G download speeds and unlimited data at a steep discount for the first three months. Internet this fast is rarely this cheap. While there is a $92.25 upfront cost for the modem and cable line activation, we think that’s a small price to pay for such a great internet plan.


Diallog Gigabit

Provider Diallog
Speed Up to 1000 Mbps
Data Unlimited
Connection Cable
Type No Term Contract
Total Price
$42.50 per month
for 3 months then $85.00/month
+ $44.25 Upfront
  Go to Site

Altima | 75/10 Mbps | /month – Runner-up for best holiday deal on home internet

If you’re looking for a simpler home internet plan, Altima’s 75/10Mbps offer provides you fibre internet at a discount. Households with heavy internet use should look elsewhere, but casual internet users will love the low cost and reliable service.

Want to save even more? Altima allows you to bring your own modem or router and save on your monthly payment.

TekSavvy | Cable 60 Unlimited | $50.95/month – Runner-up for best holiday deal on home internet

Like the Altima package, this deal from TekSavvy is for more casual internet users who are interested in a reliable connection at a low rate. TekSavvy’s Cable 60 Unlimited makes that deal even sweeter, offering a discount of $10 per month for a full year, along with free shipping and activation.


TekSavvy 60 Mbps Unlimited

Provider TekSavvy
Speed Up to 60 Mbps
Data Unlimited
Connection Cable
Type No Term Contract
Total Price
$50.95 per month
for 12 months then $70.95/month
  View Details

Best Incentives and
Bonus Offers

Internet providers will offer all sorts of perks for new customers, including credits, services, lower rates. We’ve broken down the most enticing offers below, with limited-time incentives from DistribuTel, Rogers, Eastlink, and Shaw.

DistribuTel | Internet 1 Gbps Unlimited – Free installation and activation

You can save on upfront costs with this current incentive from Distributel, which waives installation and activation fees when you sign on for a one-year term.

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Rogers | Ignite Internet 500u  – $100 bill credit

Rogers is one of the largest internet providers in Canada. This high speed plan offers a $100 bill credit when you activate online.


Rogers Popular 500 Internet

Provider Rogers
Speed Up to 500 Mbps
Data Unlimited
Connection Fibre
Type No Term Contract
Total Price
$110 per month
Prices subject to rate increase.
+ $110 Upfront
  View Details

Eastlink | Internet 350 Fibre Link – $100 bill credit for new customers

Looking to switch service providers? Eastlink is giving every new customer a $100 bill credit, which works out to over a free month of Cable internet and unlimited data from the Alberta provider.


Eastlink Internet 350

Provider Eastlink
Speed Up to 350 Mbps
Data Unlimited
Connection Mobile Broadband
Type No Term Contract
Total Price
$75 per month
for 24 months then $113.00/month
  View Details

Shaw | Fibre+500 – $50 bill credit with setup of Cheque Free Payment Plan

You’ll earn a $50 credit when you sign up for this high-speed plan with Shaw and enroll in their Cheque Free Payment Plan, which is their name for autopay. 

Best Free Streaming
Service Subscription Deals

It wouldn’t be the holidays without an obscene amount of binge-watching. We’ve collected the best deals on free streaming from Bell and Rogers so you can get all the shows for less.

Bell – Six free months of Crave with STARZ

This deal from Bell might be the most jam-packed streaming service package available. Crave includes HBO, HBO Max, Showtime, and a stacked library of Hollywood titles. Bell has paired it with STARZ, which means more shows and movies for your viewing pleasure. The package is free for the first six months and then $25 per month after that.

Rogers – Three free months of Apple TV+

Rogers’ Ignite Streaming Bundle offers Canadians the opportunity to watch the critically acclaimed series and movies from Apple TV+ on the cheap. Currently, they’re offering three free months, followed by a monthly price of $8.99.

Best Service Bundles

The key to real savings is in bundling. Save big on Telus, Rogers, Bell, and Cogeco plans when you bundle internet, home phone service, and TV.

Telus | PureFibre Internet 300 & Optik TV

Bundle Telus’ reliable internet, unlimited data, and OptikTV streaming (including Crave, Netflix, WWE Network, and more) for $133 per month. Save an additional $200 when you order online and use promo code HOLIDAY.

Rogers | Ignite bundles 

Rogers offers a number of different bundles starting at Basic (for $112.97/mo.) up to the high-end Best option ($167.99/mo.). All of the bundles include internet, TV, and home phone, though internet download speeds and amount of TV channels vary depending on the particular bundle.

Bell | Fibe Internet bundles

Like Rogers, Bell offers a variety of bundles, starting with the most basic (the “Starter” bundle for $104.95 per month) and going all the way up to the most advanced (the “Best” bundle for $159.50 per month). Unlike Rogers, Bell doesn’t offer home phone connections, which explains why the prices for their bundles are slightly cheaper. 

Best Whole-home
Wi-Fi Deals

Wi-Fi is how most of us connect to the internet, so having a signal that’s strong enough to reach your entire property is crucial for avoiding slow speeds and frustrating buffers. Getting a Wi-Fi 6 plan and combining it with a Wi-Fi extender, or Wi-Fi pods, will keep you connected throughout your home. A number of Canadian providers offer deals for adding Wi-Fi pods on to your plans:

  • Bell: All Fibe plans include Wi-Fi 6; add two Wi-Fi pods for $10 a month. 
  • Cogeco: Two Wi-Fi pods can be added to UltraFibre Unlimited plans for $5 a month.
  • Shaw: Wi-Fi pods can be added to all Fibre+ plans for $10 a month.

Interested in expanding the Wi-Fi in your household? Find the most popular plans with Wi-Fi pod add-ons below.

Internet Plans


UltraFibre 1Gig Unlimited

  • Fibre 1000/1000 Mbps

Gigabit Fibe 3.0

  • Fibre 3000/3000 Mbps

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Compare broadband plans from the following providers...

  • VMedia
  • oxio
  • TekSavvy
  • Cogeco
  • Distributel
  • Bell
  • Virgin Plus
  • Telus
  • Diallog
  • Eastlink
  • Rogers
  • Xplore
  • Netcrawler
  • Telcan
  • Koodo
  • Altima Telecom
  • SaskTel
  • Carry Telecom
  • NorthwesTel
  • Fizz
  • Videotron
  • BellMTS
  • Execulink
  • Sogetel
  • Starlink