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Microsoft has announced Halo: Spartan Assault for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. Could WP/Win8 users finally start seeing some of that ‘complete ecosystem’ experience that was promised a full year ago? No, but it still looks like a cool game. Back when both Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 were on their way Microsoft gave us a lot of talk about a full Microsoft ecosystem. One of the main reasons behind the ground-up reworking between WP7 and WP8 is that Microsoft wanted the Windows Phone platform to be based on the same kernel as its desktop OS. This would mean that app and game developers would only need to make minimal tweaks if they wished to port their product from one to the other. It was a move designed to simultaneously boost developer interest while providing a unified cross-device experience for the user. Same games, same apps, same music, same profile. Almost a year later and this has barely happened. There are a few Xbox-related services like Xbox Music and Xbox Live that offer this cross-device integration, but both, to a degree, existed before Windows Phone 8 made its debut. Halo: Spartan Assault looks like it may be the beginnings of Microsoft finally starting to keeps its promise but don’t be fooled; this isn’t the universal app you’re looking for.

Halo: Spartan Assault

Spartan Assault is a big change-up from the rest of the Halo games. Halos 1-4 and ODST are of the first-person shooter variety. The poorly-received Halo Wars was an RTS designed for console play. Spartan Assault is a top-down third-person shooter in the old two-stick style of arcade fame. Two stick means one stick controls movement and the other controls both shooting and aiming. It’s a fantastically simple and fun gaming dynamic that frankly isn’t used enough these days. The awesome-looking little shooter is being co-developed by Vanguard Games and 343 Industries. 343 being the lovely folks behind Halo 4. 

The kicker

Although Spartan Assault will work on WP8 and Win8, it apparently isn’t a universal app. That means you can play it on multiple devices, but each time you download it to a new device it’ll cost full price all over again. The good news is it’s only US$6.99, the bad news is that this totally negates one of the main reasons to buy the game in the first place. There is absolutely no reason that this game, which is of a title owned by Microsoft and being developed by 343 Industries which is owned by Microsoft shouldn’t be a unified cross-device experience. There’s no word on whether or not saved games will sync across devices but we’d say the smart money is on ‘not a chance’.

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