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WhistleOut fast facts
  • The fifteenth annual price comparison report prepared by Wall Communications for the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada was released.
  • The study found that wireless prices decreased by 2.6% in 2022. The average broadband decrease was 2-4%.
  • Quebec has the lowest average prices in the country, while Nova Scotia is generally higher. Price variance for individual plans can be as much as 50% across provinces. 
  • Canada, the U.S., and Japan recorded the highest international prices for cell phone service and broadband.

After years of rising internet and cell phone costs, the annual price comparison report from Wall Communications found that wireless and broadband prices decreased in 2022. The report aims to help new customers determine the average costs they pay for a level of service in Canada. 

Wall Communications found that MVNO prices for plans mimicking national providers are “consistently lower than the average incumbent price.” In most regions, MVNOs offer the lowest-priced plan

As a sign of how cell phone packages have evolved in recent years, the report found that plans offering 450 minutes of talk and 300 text messages, or plans offering 1GB of data, are rarely seen nowadays. Meanwhile, broadband packages start at 3Mbps and go up to over 500Mbps. 

For wireless and broadband prices, the most significant decreases were over 11% and occurred with the unlimited talk and text plus 10-19GB of data cell phone and the 16-40Mbps broadband plan.

Additionally, coverage areas in Quebec are generally less expensive, while Nova Scotia reported higher prices.

Overall, however, Canadians pay more for their cell phone plans than anywhere else. The average Canadian cell phone plan is $52.87, accounting for talk and text plans up to plans with 99GB of data. Only the U.S. ($52.87) and Japan ($85.36) have higher average costs. On the broadband side, the average plan cost is $74.79, which is above average. Only Australia ($79.42) and Japan ($84.08) have higher average broadband costs.

Wall Communication’s annual report allows the Canadian government and regulators to view the industry while holistically advising on pricing and competition.

Background on the Survey

Wall Communications has prepared an annual report on price comparisons for wireless and internet services for the past 15 years. The telecom report looks at the prices of plan types and providers and then compares those prices to foreign countries, including Japan, the U.S., Australia, the U.K., France, Italy, and Germany. 

The report surveys pricing at wireless service providers, including the major telephone companies, cable companies, mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs), wholesale-based competitors, and regional providers. On the broadband side, the report looks at major broadband providers, wholesale-based competitors, and flanker brands.

Wall Communications divides wireless plan types into seven tiers starting with talk and text and going up to 99 GB of data. The broadband plans start at 3 Mbps and go up to over 500 Mbps.

The annual report offers insight into cell phone and internet pricing, and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada distributes the report.

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