If you have a cell phone that still serves you well, or know someone with an old one they don't use anymore, you can save hundreds of dollars every year with a BYOP plan. Read on to learn if you're still paying for that phone you thought you paid off, find out all the benefits of a Bring Your Own Phone plan, and even see price comparisons based on your needs.
There's simply no cheaper way to get a plan in Canada than to bring your own phone. Thanks to changes in the Canadian Wireless Code of Conduct, consumers have the right to unlock their old phone from their mobile carrier, and even take their phone number with them when they change phone companies. If you're not on contract (or getting close to the end of it) then start looking at Bring Your Own Phone plans.
You might still be paying for your phone
- even if your contract is finished -
If you bought your current phone on a contract more than two years ago, change your plan right now! Odds are high that you're still on a plan that is charging you like you're still paying it off.

Am I Still Paying Off My Phone?
When you buy a new phone, you can save hundreds of dollars off the total price by spreading out payments over two years. Rather than making you pay it off with installments, mobile carriers usually build the price of the discount into the price of your monthly cell phone plan.
For example: You save $500 off a new phone with Carrier X when you sign up for a 2-year plan. The plan costs $85/month instead of $70/month (BYOP plan) even though they have the same minutes and data. After two years you've only paid $360 more ($15 x 24 months) in order to save $500 upfront! It's a great deal... but you continue to pay $85 after two years.
Cell phone companies aren't allowed to keep you on contract for longer than two years. However, most cell phone companies won't automatically drop you down to the $70 BYOP plan just because you've finished your contract. They will keep charging you $85 because that's the plan you signed up for. You need to call your carrier (or another carrier) to get on a Bring Your Own Phone plan.
Some carriers like Koodo use a "Tab" system of payback. Once the remaining amount is paid off then your monthly bill drops down to just the cost of the plan. Even then, you have leverage to get a better deal when you're supplying your own cell phone.
What is Bring Your Own Phone?
Smartphones have been part of our lives for over a decade now and odds are high that you (or someone you know) have an old phone that still works great. When you Bring Your Own Phone (BYOP) or Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), cell phone plans tend to be cheaper than ones with subsidized phones included.
You will save at least $5 to $10 every month when signing up with a major national carrier including Bell, Rogers, Telus, Fido, Koodo, and Virgin Mobile just by bringing your own phone. Regional carriers like SaskTel, Videotron, and Freedom Mobile also provide lower monthly prices if you supply your own device. Discount brands like Public Mobile don't even sell phones, so BYOP is a requirement to save!
Is It Legal To Use My Phone On Another Carrier?
Yes, it's always been legal in Canada to use your phone with another cell phone provider. In the past there have been technical limitations to doing it, but they're mostly gone now.
Mobile carriers used to ensure customers stayed with their brand by "locking" phones to their network. Even if your phone could work on Rogers, a phone bought with Bell might be locked to the Bell network and couldn't be used with any other carrier. That ended in 2017 and new phones must always be sold unlocked or unlocked at purchase. Older phones that are still locked to a particular mobile carrier must be unlocked for free upon request by the carrier. WhistleOut Canada has full guides on how to unlock your phone for free, and how to keep your phone number when moving to another cell phone company (yes, it's possible!)
Can I Change My Plan At Any Time?
In addition to saving money starting with the first month, you can save more by changing your plan at any time. You're the one in control, not your carrier.
BYOP plans are month-to-month with no long-term commitments on your part. If a promotional deal comes up then you can jump on that without paying any cancellation fees. If you don't like the customer service or another wireless provider carrier has a better deal, then you can leave at any time and move your phone, number, and plan to any other mobile carrier in Canada.
Bring Your Own Phone Plans
When you're saving so much, get the best plan you can afford. Bell, Rogers and Telus offer similar pricing, as do Koodo, Fido and Virgin Mobile. If you're not sure which carrier to go with, we break it down for you in our Fido vs. Koodo vs. Virgin Plus: The Best Carrier For You guide.
Plans listed below are for most of Canada. Three provinces feature a fourth carrier providing competition that brings down prices but still have further discounts if you Bring Your Own Phone. Read our guides to find the best deals.
BYOP Plans with at least 5GB data
Plans with tons of data are great, but how much do you really need? Find out how much mobile data you need and save even more by getting a plan that fits you. And remember, BYOP plans are month-to-month so you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time and pay no penalty fees!BYOP Plans with Unlimited Minutes
WiFi is everywhere, and when you just want a phone line to chat with then an unlimited plan is your best bet. When you BYOP then you can take advantage of countless prepaid plans like Rogers Pay As You Go.
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