BYO Phone BYO Phone BYO Phone
+ 6 More

Infinite Extra Family Plan

with No Tab or Edge Financing (Only available in QC)
  • 5G Network in selected areas with compatible devices
  • Unlimited text/picture/video messages
  • Unlimited data at reduced speeds
  • No data overages
More Plan Features
$60/mth - BYO Phone
$50/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$50/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$50/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$50/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$50/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$50/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$50/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$50/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line

BYO Phone BYO Phone BYO Phone
+ 6 More

Infinite Family Plan Canada+US

with No Tab or Edge Financing (Only available in QC)
  • 5G Network in selected areas with compatible devices
  • Use the data in your plan in Canada and the U.S.
  • Unlimited International text/picture/video messages
  • Unlimited data at reduced speeds
  • No data overages
More Plan Features
$70/mth - BYO Phone
$60/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$60/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$60/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$60/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$60/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$60/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$60/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line
$60/mth - BYO Phone
Save $10/month when you add a line

Cell Phone Coverage Map for Canada
More about Rogers

Rogers Wireless is a major wireless carrier headquartered in Toronto that provides service across Canada. Rogers Wireless launched Canada’s first and only GSM wireless network in 2001. As of this writing, Roger Wireless is Canada’s largest wireless carrier with more than 10 million subscribers.

Rogers launched the first 3G HSPA and, later, LTE (Long Term Evolution) network in Canada. They also offer 5G/5G+ coverage in selected areas. They've since expanded their LTE coverage to over 97% of the Canadian population.

Rogers Wireless sells all of the world's most popular phones, from brands like Apple, Motorola, Google, TCL, Sonim and Samsung. Monthly financing for these devices is available. 

Travel add-ons are also available and range from talk & text-specific packages to data-inclusive ones. 

With Wireless, Digital Cable TV, High Speed Internet, Home Phone and Smart Home Monitoring services Rogers Wireless has everything you need for your home.

Getting Started: Rogers Cell Phone Plans

About Rogers Mobile...
iPhone SE

Rogers Wireless is a wireless service provider founded in 1983 and headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. Rogers is one of the largest providers and offers service across the entire country of Canada.

  • Network: Roger's network is backed with a premium LTE browsing experience and includes Extended Coverage for far-reaching places. Rogers also have Wi-Fi Calling to cover you where no wireless signal can reach. They also offer 5G/5G+ coverage in selected areas.
  • Coverage: Rogers has augmented their network quality and speeds by introducing LTE (Long Term Evolution). Rogers was the first Canadian carrier to announce LTE services for greater speed and reliability. Rogers has since expanded their LTE coverage to over 97% of the Canadian population. 5G/5G+ network is also available in selected areas.
  • Where to Buy: New customers on Rogers can buy online in minutes. On the Roger's website customers will need to select to purchase either a phone, plan or both! Once you've selected your phone/plan, checking out is easy. All you'll need is a valid Credit Card.
  • Buying a New Phone from Rogers: Buying a new phone from Rogers couldn't be easier. Head over to their website to compare and select the phone you want. You'll be required to have a valid Credit Card to buy.
  • Tethering: If you subscribe to a data plan which includes at least 1GB of data per month and if you have a compatible device, you may use tethering as part of the monthly data included in your plan at no additional charge

Fact: Rogers employs over 25,000 Canadian citizens making them one of the largest communications company in Canada.

Compare phones and plans from the following carriers...

  • Public Mobile
  • Fido
  • Telus
  • Virgin Plus (previously Virgin Mobile)
  • Koodo Mobile
  • Rogers
  • Chatr Wireless
  • Bell
  • PC Mobile
  • 7-Eleven SpeakOut
  • Lucky Mobile
  • Good2Go Mobile (previously Petro Canada)
  • Eastlink

Latest Cell Phone Deals

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra from Telus for $41.46/mo for 24 months

Apple iPhone 12 Mini for $0 down and $88.34/month from Fido

iPhone 13 (128GB) for $0 and $26.20/mo for 24 moths from Bell

Google Pixel 6 for $28.29/mo for 24 months on any Rogers Infinite plan

Motorola G Power for $6/mo for 24 months from Koodo

Compare iPhone plans from all major carriers