Our list of the best home internet plans in Canada features offers from oxio, Altima, VMedia, and more.
Get internet plan recommendations and learn all about how to maximize your internet connection for an optimal online gaming experience.
Twitch streaming is great for broadcasting video game footage, sharing programming tips, and more. Learn how to stream to Twitch.
The Humble Bundle is a game package-deal that crops up now and again. The idea is that customers pay as much or as little as they want for a pre-set pack of games that have proven themselves as popular in the recent market. Not only is the price chosen by the purchaser, but the distribution of the funds as well. How the money is split between the developer, charity and the Humble Bundle organizers is decided by the payer. As an added bonus, customers who pay above the current average payment are gifted with an extra game (sometimes multiple), adding more incentive for customers to pay slightly more and more as time goes on without actually enforcing anything.
Hundreds of cell phone plans unpacked. All the facts. No surprises.