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What is the Difference Between a Modem and a Router?

Article Summary

A lot of people think a modem and a router are the same thing, but they're different and play two very specific roles. The modem is what brings the internet into your home by connecting to your ISP, while the router passes your internet connection to all of your devices on the network. 

What is a Modem?

In the simplest of terms, a modem is what brings the internet into your home. If you want to connect to the internet in your home or business, you have to have a modem. A modem establishes and maintains a dedicated connection to your ISP to give you access to the internet.

A modem is a translator and the unsung MVP of your home internet setup. The reason you have to have a modem is that there are two types of signals used on the computer and the internet. A computer only reads digital signals. That means that without a modem, your computer and the internet simply could not communicate.

What is a Wireless Router?

A router is what routes or passes your internet connection to all of your devices. It directs the signal to all of your computers, tablets and connected devices so they can access the internet.

Here’s how it works: A signal first reaches the modem then goes to the wireless router and then it is passed to all the computers and connected devices. A typical router has a built-in switch with multiple ports so you can connect multiple devices using an ethernet connection. It also functions as a wireless access point so that wireless devices such as tablets and laptops can have internet access.

What are the most common types of routers?

The most common types of routers are cable and DSL. Depending on what type of internet you are going to use you need to use the correct type of modem.

  • Cable: You can connect to the wireless router in your home using a coaxial cable. The cable is typically provided by the same company that provides you with cable TV, such as Bell, which is one of the largest TV providers in Canada.
  • DSL: This connection is transmitted using a typical phone line. DSL is provided by phone companies such as Bell, Telus, and Rogers, which are some of the largest providers in Canada.

What is a Modem and Router Combination?

Some devices combine the modem and router into one single unit. If you receive a modem from your ISP or you buy it from the store, it might be a combination. These devices come with a built-in wireless router in one physical device.

Wrap-Up: What Is The Difference Between A Modem And A Router? Do I need both?

In summary, a modem and a wireless router are two very different things. A modem brings the internet into your home. A router passes the internet connection to your devices. Both help you get internet in your home or business, but are in fact, different.

You can purchase both outside of your ISP, which can save you money in the long run.Our big brother site WhistleOut US has outlined some of the best modems and best routers on the market. We suggest using these articles as a springboard for your own search if you’re thinking about buying.

Can A Better Router Increase My Internet Speed?

The answer is yes, but it’s complicated. Many factors impact your internet speed, including how your house is set up, how many people are on the same network, what types of programs you’re running and more. At the end of the day, connecting your device directly to the modem via an ethernet cord will always provide a more secure, reliable, and faster connection.

So, upgrading to a new router could potentially deliver faster speeds, but doing a speed test when the computer is directly connected to the modem vs. using a router will give you a clearer idea on what is causing the speed issue. If you had faster speeds when you connected directly to the modem, a new router may deliver higher speeds and better performance.

Should Modem Speed And Router Speed Match?

If your router is faster than the connection from your ISP, you won’t help you get faster speeds.

The modem is capped at a certain speed depending on the plan you went with from your provider. However, if you have a faster router than your ISP plan, you have the possibility to upgrade your internet connection in the future.

Do I Need A Router And A Modem?

Yes, they work like a team. A modem translates the internet coming into your house so that your router can then direct the internet traffic. They are two separate devices, but they work together to deliver you with internet.

There are new devices on the market that combine the modem and router into one unit. These combo units are easy to use and while you need the power and intelligence of both a router and modem, these “mesh” combos give you both in one unit.

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