Every month, we help 3 million people Find the perfect plan

Our users have one simple objective - to find their perfect phone and internet plan. Our technology lets customers compare all their carrier options in a single screen, and purchase their favorite. WhistleOut has over 3 million users per month in 5 countries. 

Search Placement Featured Result Homepage Ads Sticky Strip

Search Results Placement

When a customer enters their needs, we match the plans from 32 carriers with their applicable coverage to provide comparison search results. From these individual search results, a user will see their matching plans and can follow bold 'go to site' links that will take them directly to your site to make their purchase.

  • Call center numbers are also available to publish here
  • This is our best converting placement with our users spending over 8 minutes before clicking to your site.
  • This placement is simply a purchasing button on your products, allowing users to 'go to your site' to purchase

Top Positions in Search Results

The Featured Result is a promoted placement where your best matched product will be elevated to the #1 placement in the search results (clearly labelled).

Importantly, this is an exact match placement - if you don’t have a product which matches the user’s search query, no result is shown here.

This placement ensures that you are always high consideration with target customers.

The Homepage Advertisement

The Homepage advertisement is a advertising placement at the start of the customer journey and clicks directly to your site.

  • Ads are responsive to device: 1260X250 (Desktop) and 400 x250 (mobile)
  • In-House Creative or Client Supplied
  • Creatives are in rotation with other carriers
  • High Visibility - product or brand focus
  • Multiple locations available including conquesting and search results page
  • 500k+ users per month start their search journey here

The Sticky Strip Promo

The Sticky Strip Promo is permanent ad placement at the bottom of all pages, and can even be matched to a user’s search.

This placement is a native placement with a small image, headline and text. This placement rotates with every refresh and direct clicks to your site.

This placement is perfect for awareness and is shown at the bottom of the browser (located dynamically based on size of user’s viewport).

Re-Marketing to Whistleout Users

Carriers can continue the conversation with WhistleOut’s ‘in-market’ audiences after they’ve left WhistleOut’s website.

Our user’s are ‘in market’ for wireless. We do not sell data to carriers. Instead, this program is served via our own audience management and ad exchange, with jointly created ads.

WhistleOut’s re-marketing can co-branded to directly tie back to the original use of the WhistleOut search engine. The placements can have the look of a ‘Selected Deal” specifically for each customer.

Look-a-like audience models, audience manager and base suppression (existing customer) are available.

WhistleOut Commercial Team

Talk to us and learn how we can connect you to our buying audience

  • Nick Rumpff Nick Rumpff
  • Alicia Mack Alicia Mack
  • Rob Barnes Rob Barnes
    USA & Canada
  • Terry Hsu Terry Hsu
    USA & Canada
  • Mauricio Lozano Mauricio Lozano
About Us

Compare phones and plans from the following carriers...

  • Public Mobile
  • Fido
  • Fizz
  • Telus
  • Freedom Mobile
  • Virgin Plus (previously Virgin Mobile)
  • Koodo Mobile
  • Rogers
  • Chatr Wireless
  • Bell
  • PC Mobile
  • 7-Eleven SpeakOut
  • Lucky Mobile
  • Good2Go Mobile (previously Petro Canada)
  • SaskTel
  • Videotron
  • Eastlink

Latest Cell Phone Deals

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra from Telus for $41.46/mo for 24 months

Apple iPhone 12 Mini for $0 down and $88.34/month from Fido

iPhone 13 (128GB) for $0 and $26.20/mo for 24 moths from Bell

Google Pixel 6 for $28.29/mo for 24 months on any Rogers Infinite plan

Motorola G Power for $6/mo for 24 months from Koodo

Compare iPhone plans from all major carriers