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Let’s face it, the iOS rumor mill is never going to stop. This week we’ve got a few new ones to report on.

  1. Siri could be coming to other iOS devices in the foreseeable future
  2. The iPad, iPhone, Macbook Air and the iMac could all see a redesign next year
  3. We may see not one, but two iPads released in 2012

Siri for Older iOS Devices

If you haven’t heard of Siri then we’d usually ask you where you’ve been hiding yourself for the last couple of months, but seeing as we have a bit to go through we’ll just quickly fill you in. Siri is Apple’s brand new Native Talk app, that allows users an impressive range of functionality simply by speaking to their iPhone 4S handsets. We know what you’re thinking; that you’ve heard this all before and voice-command interfaces always turn out to be all talk and no action. Well by all accounts Siri actually works really well and seems to be the most impressive voice recognition integration anyone has yet seen on a smartphone.

The problem with Siri is that, even though it’s a part of iOS5, the only iOS device that can currently run it is the iPhone 4S. The iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad and iPad 2, while compatible with iOS5, simply don’t have the option of downloading Siri just yet.

Well JailBreakNation has reported that Apple is currently testing Siri on devices other than the iPhone 4S. Like with all Apple rumors this is hardly confirmed just yet, but it’s still a bit exciting. Right now one of the major reasons to upgrade from an iPhone 4 to a 4S is Siri, so there could be more than a few customers out there who would be pretty excited to hear that their older devices will suddenly get this new software. Then again, it’s also plausible that this is the exact reason that Apple won’t make Siri available on other devices, as it could harm sales of the shiny new iPhone 4S.

via JailBreakNation

Redesign of Apple Gadgets

This little gem we picked up from Digitimes. Apple is apparently considering a complete redesign of its major product lines, excluding iPod devices, for 2012. It certainly wouldn’t be outside Apple’s normal activity to redesign the look of a product line every few years, just look at how iMacs have changed since they were first released.

It also makes sense when you think about things like the iPhone 5 or iPad 3. With each iteration of the iPhone Apple has always made a few design changes and the iPad is long overdue for a makeover. We’d definitely like to see this rumor come in to fruition. A change is just as good as a holiday, after all.

via Digitimes

Two iPads to be Released in 2012

This rumor seems a little less likely than the other two, but it’s worth a mention nonetheless. Apparently Apple is considering not releasing the iPad 3 until Q3 next year and will instead release and upgraded iPad 2 (iPad 2S?) in early 2012.

via TipB

Well that’s about it for Apple rumors for today. Tell us what you think, do any of these sound plausible to you and would you be particularly excited if any of them turned out to be true?

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