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Find all of Koodo Mobile's customer service and technical support phone numbers right here for wireless customers.

Koodo Mobile's customer service options

Billing, accounts & technical support

You can use the Koodo Mobile customer service chat feature to schedule a callback with the accounts and technical support team. You can also call Koodo or text 611 from your Koodo phone to access self-service options for account information.

Call 866-995-6636
 Text *611
Chat with an agent

New Koodo Mobile customers

If you want to order a new Koodo Mobile cell phone plan or phone, call the number listed below to schedule a callback with an agent. You can also use the Koodo Mobile customer service chat feature to purchase a new phone or plan. 

Call 866-995-6636
Chat with an agent

Visit Koodo Mobile's site

Other Koodo Mobile Contacts

Twitter @koodo
Facebook www.facebook.com/koodo
Instagram @koodo
Website koodomobile.com
Support page https://koodomobile.com/chat
Apps n/a

Koodo Mobile FAQs

Koodo Mobile Customer Service Ranking & Reputation

J.D. Power's 2021 wireless customer care study ranked Koodo Mobile number six for customer satisfaction among all Canadian carriers with a ranking of 754 points (out of a maximum 1,000 points). This exceeds the segment average of 749 points and beats out competitors like Fido. It also puts Koodo Mobile ahead of two out of three major carriers' satisfaction results: Bell came in at 728, and Rogers followed at 728. Freedom Mobile barely outscored Koodo Mobile with a total of 755 points.

JD power customer service rankings

Why Choose Koodo Mobile?

Koodo Mobile is a budget-minded cell phone carrier owned by Telus Communications. The carrier's plans operate on the large and reliable Telus network, which reaches over 99% of Canadians. In our guide to the best Koodo Mobile plans, we found that Koodo offered affordable plans, generous data allotments, and numerous prepaid options, along with a solid phone selection. Koodo Mobile is a strong option for value-conscious consumers looking for an alternative to the Big Three.

Koodo Mobile Coverage

Koodo Mobile is a flanker brand, also known as a mobile virtual network operator, which provides wireless service using another carrier's towers. Koodo is owned by Telus and operates on its nationwide network, offering cheaper plans geared at a younger, more budget-minded demographic. Koodo operates on Telus' fast 4G LTE network, but it does not provide customers access to the carrier's 5G network. Check out our guide to wireless coverage in Canada to see which major network has the strongest footprint near you.

Switching to Koodo Mobile

Switching to Koodo Mobile is simple—and you can even keep your phone number.

If you want to grab a new phone with your new plan, Koodo offers plenty of deals for new activations. If you prefer to bring your own phone to the network, you can purchase a Koodo SIM. After you receive your Koodo SIM in the mail and unlock your phone, Koodo will activate your device so you can put it to use.

Koodo Mobile offers numerous postpaid phone plans at both 4G and 3G speeds. Most plans include unlimited talk, text, and data, as well as the ability to add additional lines for $5/month or purchase U.S. and international roaming add-ons for text, minutes, and data. Koodo also offers prepaid plans, including many with cheaper monthly payments and smaller data allotments.

Not sure if Koodo is right for you? We break down everything you need to know in our guide to the top flanker brands in Canada.