Last updated

Virgin is offering $6 off per month on its BYOP, Silver, and Gold Plans 1GB and above. It's near as identical to Fido's current $6 off deal as can be, but who's complaining? The limited-time deal currently has no end date on Virgin’s website, so it could be a short-lived thing or go on indefinitely.

Unfortunately, the offer does not extend to Platinum Plans, but you can still get plenty of great gadgets on Gold and Silver.


Brings Your Own Phone (BYOP) Plans are cheaper per-month than the rest, because they don't have to make up for the cost of a subsidized smartphone.

They're also month-to-month, meaning no long-term lock-in contracts. If you decide you don't like your plan, or coverage, then you can upgrade or switch providers at your leisure.

Just remember that if you are bringing your phone from another provider, it may be carrier-locked. If this is the case, be sure to find out how to unlock your phone before signing up to a service you can't yet use.






Check out the
1GB BYOP plan
Check out the
2GB BYOP plan
Check out the
3GB BYOP plan
Check out the
5GB BYOP plan

Silver Plans

Silver Plans will get you up to $200 off the retail price of your phone up-front, but not all phones are available on Silver. Some of the more-premium models can only be grabbed on Gold or Platinum Plans. Thanks to the lower money-off amount offered by Silver, monthly payments are lower than Gold and Plat, but higher than BYOP.

Silver Plans carry the standard 2-year contract for any carrier plan involving phone subsidies.






Check out the
1GB Silver plan
Check out the
2GB Silver plan
Check out the
3GB Silver plan
Check out the
5GB Silver plan

Gold Plans

Gold Plans offer up to $300 off retail price, and tend to be the second-highest range of smartphones. No flagship devices here, but you can still get some great bang-for-buck devices if you shop smart.

Once again, these monthly prices are higher, to make up for the larger savings on the phone.






Check out the
1GB Gold plan
Check out the
2GB Gold plan
Check out the
3GB Gold plan
Check out the
5GB Gold plan

If you want a premium, top-tier flagship then you'll need to hit up the platinum plans. Unfortunately, these aren't on sale right now.

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